Dick O'Day's Big, Lovely Liberry Photos!!!
Dick O'Day reads from "On Tour
With Donny & Marie" -- one of his
favorite "liberry" books!  Dick sez
"Rent a book this week!"
The Head "Liberian" with the rest of the fabu-lush cast from
Annoyance's stable of stars (L-R) Lisa Lewis, Ellen Stoneking, Mick
Napier, Jennifer Estlin, Susan Messing, Peter Renaud, Rebecca
Sohn.  Dick sez, "Reading is FUN-da-MENTAL with a cast like this!"
Dick is typically modest in these two candid shots with
HILARIOUS 6/29 Liberry show special guest Tim Kazurinsky.
Beauty and Brains:  a double dose of whammy talent
from Dick's elegant 7/6 guest liberian, Melissa
Hellstern, author of "How To Be Lovely: The Audrey
Hepburn Way of Life."  Dick sez, "The way to be
lovely is come to the liberry every Tuesday!"
Dick's ring-a-ding-ding guest on
7/13 was the ultimate swingin'
celebrity biographer/profiler, Bill
Zehme.  Here, Bill channels the
spirit of Mr. Playboy himself, Hugh
Hefner, co-author of Bill's latest
bazillion-selling bio-tome, "Hef's
Little Black Book."  Dick's
audience loved Bill's Hef-inspired
smoking jacket and pipe and
afterwards begged for admission
to Hef's grotto!!!
Dick was
amazed by
guest liberian
repeated use
of the word
during his book
report on porn
actor Harry
Reems.  Who
knew snakes
could get that
Dick with his final guest of the
summer series, his beloved "Wild
Chicago" co-correspondent Mindy
Bell.  T'was love at first sight for
these two little book worms!!!
Dick is so taken with the talents of guest Merrie
Greenfield that he decides to do a little research!
Guest liberian Edward Thomas-Herrera is so shocked and delighted by revelations in his
Lana Turner tell-all that he momentarily falls out of frame.  Not so Mr. O'Day who
lets a photo op go to waste!
Dick with his fabu-lush liberry staff at the 6-29-04 show and guest liberians
David Kodeski and Tim Kazurinsky onstage at the legendary Green Mill!